About us

With over 10 years of Industry experience, we are seasoned experts in IT & Business Support for Small-Medium sized businesses. With a successful track record in providing support services such as:

Our passion and proven ability to save customers time & money, streamline processes, and foster strong relationships have positioned The IT Whizz at the forefront of the industry.

The IT Whizz
Built to Last

Built to Last

We want our customers problems to be solved permanently. Delivering outstanding support Services ensures you won’t have to ring us again in the near future.

Real Outcomes

Real Outcomes

Our focus is to implement real solutions that genuinely make a difference. Your business should work for you, not the other way around.

Get Comfortable

Get Comfortable

We strive to make the process as easy for our customers as possible. Get expert advice and support anywhere there is an internet connection.

Remote Support

Remote & On-site Support

We operate by providing support to clients Remotely and On-site using tools such as Microsoft Teams or RemotePC.

Rest assured, all Remote connections utilize the utmost security measures, employing TLS v 1.2 / AES-256 Encryption to ensure the complete safety of your data throughout the process.

Have any questions?

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The IT Whizz


Copyright The IT Whizz 2024    ABN: 39786615808