IT Support Services

Our 4 Step Process is built on the idea that Reliable IT Support means providing simple, effective and easy to understand IT solutions.

Software Installation & Updates

Automations & Integrations

Virus & Malware Protection

Data Backup & Restoration

Cybersecurity Audits & Compliance

IT Business Consulting

Communications Systems

Cloud & SaaS

4 Step Process for Reliable IT Support

Looking for a Quote?

Get in touch today for your free customized quote!

Giving you back your technological independence

Other IT Support businesses will add friction to your business through overly complicated or confusing IT Solutions.

Our aim is to eliminate sources of friction within your business.

Want to know more about our 4 Step process?

Step 1. Initial Assessment

When you reach out to us for support, our first step is to understand the issue and provide you with our recommendation after some initial investigating. Some common questions we may ask at this stage are:

  • "What type of device are you using?"
  • "Is the system software up to date?"
  • "Have you tried to restart the program/device?"
  • "Have any repairs/fixes been made in the past?"

This is to rule out any common hardware or operating system errors. We will never ask for your Passwords or login credentials at this stage.

We will then issue you an assessment with your Initial Quote and await your approval before any work is carried out. All Quotes from The IT Whizz are valid for 90 days and can be accessed using the available link sent to your email. If for any reason you are unhappy with your quote, or need part of the quote to be changed, please reach out to your technician and we'll be happy to work with you to find a suitable arrangement.

Step 2. Troubleshooting and Diagnosis

Once your Quote has been approved, our team of experts will start working on a solution. In some cases, login or connection details may be necessary at this stage for further troubleshooting. We will never ask for your online banking login details.

Some cases where authorization might be necessary:

  • Making changes to most Business Software requires some form of Administrator login credentials.
    • In some cases you can create a Contractor/Guest User with the necessary permissions instead of giving full Administrator credentials.
  • Hardware that is connected to Wi-Fi or other wireless connections may need connection credentials.
    • Printers, Scanners, Wireless access points, Smart devices
  • During the Diagnosis of hardware faults, some devices may need to be restarted several times.
    • After restart, a device PIN or Password may be required to regain access to the device for troubleshooting purposes.

Where sensitive information is required, we communicate this clearly and seek direct permission before any login information is required. If you are not comfortable sharing your login information, we can arrange to walk you through the steps remotely.

Step 3. Solution Implementation

Once our technicians have found a suitable solution, we'll confirm the details of the solution(including any steps required) with you directly. This may involve various actions, such as

  • Hardware repairs.
  • Software updates.
  • Network configuration..
  • Data recovery.

If you are unhappy with the provided solution, please reach out to your technician and we can discuss other possibilities.

Once a solution is confirmed, we implement it. Our goal is to get you up and running as quickly and effectively as possible while minimizing downtime, so you can get back to doing what you're best at - growing your business.

Step 4. Follow-Up and Support

After the solution is implemented, we're not done. We provide ongoing support to ensure the problem doesn't reoccur. You'll have a direct line to your technician for any issues you may have.

Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're here to assist you every step of the way.

The IT Whizz


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